Almeria vs Real Madrid 23/11/13

26/11/2013 15:04

Real Madrid pulled off an easy 0-5 win from their visit to Almería in another La Liga fixture, but the highlights of the night go straight to Cristiano Ronaldo's injury. The Portuguese forward scored the opener still in the first-half, but ended up picking up a left thigh muscularinjury shortly after the break, and which has forced him to leave the pitch just a few minutes later. There were no surprises in Almería this Saturday night, as Real Madrid went to the "Mediterráneo Stadium" to beat the home side by a clear 0-5. It's the 5th straight win for the Merengues, who keep chasing and pressuring Barcelona and Atletico Madrid on the top of the Spanish League. It was Cristiano Ronaldo who broke the deadlock and still very early in the game, as he put Real Madrid on the lead with less than 3 minutes played in the first half. BenzemaGareth BaleIsco and Moratawould all score a goal each in the second half, but it all took place after Ronaldopicked up a muscular injury on his left thigh and which has forced him to leave the pitch. There are still no official news on the true extent of the injury, but the first impression gathered is that it shouldn't be too serious since Ronaldo walked away from the pitch on his own foot. Real Madrid will now play against Galatasaray next Wednesday, for the UEFA Champions League matchday 5 and at this point, it's highly likely that Ronaldo will have to miss at least that game.


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